
Walking In Heaven


“Walking in Heaven” for Advance Level

About this song:

Heaven is a place with infinite peace and unspeakable joy. It is a place without crisis, death, warfare, suffering or fear. When I was in a hospital in 1993, ….  (Scroll down to read more)



“Walking in Heaven” for Advance Level

About this song:

About This Song:

“Heaven” is a place of infinite peace and indescribable joy. It’s a realm without crisis, death, warfare, suffering, or fear. In 1993, while I was hospitalized, I had a dream of Heaven. It was an incredibly beautiful place. I witnessed tall, colorful flowers swaying in the wind, and the grass was different – vibrant with the essence of life. These gorgeous, vivid flowers surrounded me, and I beheld a mountain that was unlike any on Earth. Furthermore, I saw three of my friends playing in a field of these flowers, about 500 feet in front of me. They were immensely happy, filled with laughter, jumping, and running.

The following day, as I awoke in my hospital bed, I was informed that these three friends had passed away shortly after the accident. At that moment, I realized that the place in my dream was a part of Heaven. Deep within me, this experience instills hope because I know that when my physical body eventually fails me, I will be headed to a beautiful place. Nothing can compare to the heavenly beauty – walking on golden streets, passing through numerous pearly gates…

John 14:2 states, “In my Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. ‘I GO TO PREPARE A PLACE FOR YOU.'”

Playing This Song:

Feel free to interpret the tempo and use the pedal as you see fit. In some parts, I used the soft pedal to create a mellower, dreamier sound. I’ve also incorporated subtle tempo changes, where I slow down at the beginning and end of each musical phrase and accelerate in the middle of the same phrase. This enhances the song’s flow, but be cautious not to slow down excessively.

I’d be delighted to hear your rendition of this piece. Please share your videos by email or text. Thank you.

Remember, God loves you deeply and may His blessings be abundant.

Sheet Music Printing:

The PDF is designed for double-sided printing, giving it the appearance of a sheet music book. This is why there is one blank page in some of the songs. Alternatively, you can print only the sheet music pages if you prefer.



這首歌描述了天堂是一個充滿永恆平安和無法言喻喜樂的地方,沒有危機、死亡、戰爭、痛苦或恐懼。作者分享了他在 1993 年在醫院時做的一個關於天堂的夢,夢中的天堂充滿美麗的花朵、青草和壯觀的山脈,以及他已經去世的三位朋友在那裡玩樂。這個夢讓作者深信,天堂是一個美好的地方,充滿希望。




Creative Commons License
Joyful Sound Piano & Music by Joy Gilmore, Hsin Gilmore is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
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