
Super Charged


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Super Charged

Late Intermediate level


This song is performed at a moderate tempo, not too fast and not too slow. It carries a sense of vibrant energy, ready to go at any moment.

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Super Charged

Late Intermediate level

About This Song:

This song is performed at a moderate tempo, not too fast and not too slow. It carries a sense of vibrant energy, ready to go at any moment.

Musical Elements:

  • The left hand (LH) consistently employs simple quarter notes, conveying a sense of never-ending energy. The LH’s energy remains charged throughout the entire song.
  • The right hand (RH) features many syncopated rhythms, presenting a rhythmic challenge. The coordination between both hands is key.

Practicing the RH Rhythm:

To master the syncopated rhythm in the RH, consider the following practice steps:

  1. Have students tap the table with their left hand, acting as a metronome. You can use a metronome to help them maintain the tempo. Let them become accustomed to the speed and pace, even while chatting or engaging in conversation with them.
  2. When they are comfortable with the tempo, instruct their right hand to tap the rhythm, ensuring that they emphasize the accents.
  3. Merge the rhythms of both hands.
  4. Begin working on the actual piano notes with each hand separately.

Sheet Music Design:

The PDF is designed for double-sided printing, giving it the appearance of a sheet music book. Consequently, you may encounter a blank page in some of the songs. If preferred, you can print only the sheet music pages.

This description not only provides a deeper understanding of the musical aspects of the piece but also offers a structured practice approach for students. It also explains the format of the PDF for printing.







  • 左手部分只有非常简单的一拍单音贯穿整曲。这个单音部分不能弹得太快或是太慢,要适中,就像是随时可用的能量。左手单音的部分从头持续到结束,来表示这个能量持续存在,直到结束。
  • 在右手部分,使用了很多的“切分音符”。切分音符简而言之就是音符出现在后半拍,所以感觉有一点浮动,不好抓拍子。因此左右手的协调上需要下一点功夫。



  1. 让学生在桌子上打节奏,用左手像是在算拍子一般打节奏,同时保持适当的速度。在这个过程中,可以与他们闲聊,通常他们会在打节奏的时候停下来,不过让他们继续打节奏。这个练习通常有助于培养学生的聆听能力。
  2. 一旦他们熟练左手的节奏,引导他们开始练习右手的节奏,确保强调切分音符。
  3. 将左手和右手的节奏合并。
  4. 最后,开始在钢琴键盘上弹奏。




Creative Commons License
Joyful Sound Piano & Music by Joy Gilmore, Hsin Gilmore is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at


Single User License, Studio License, 個人使用執照, 音樂教室使用執照


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