
Loving Kisses


“Loving Kisses” Late Advance Level

Story behind this song:

Years ago, the movie, ”Twilight” , was very popular. In the movie, when the actor plays “River Flows in Me” on the piano, many teen-aged girls fell in love with this actor. Many of my students wanted to play this song.

My son’s girl friend loved this actor and the song, “River Flows in Me”. He wanted to please his girl friend. He decided to practice this song over and over again everyday. I’d never seen him practice piano like this before. (shaking my head)……..(Scroll down to read more)


多年以前,電影“暮光之城”非常的熱播。其中有一段男主角坐在鋼琴前彈奏一首鋼琴曲尤其火紅。這首歌叫”River Flows In Me”。這段情節擄獲了當時千千萬萬少女們的心。我有許多青少年學生指定著要談這首曲子。


“Loving Kisses” Late Advance Level

Story behind this song:

Years ago, the movie, ”Twilight” , was very popular. In the movie, when the actor plays “River Flows in Me” on the piano, many teen-aged girls fell in love with this actor. Many of my students wanted to play this song.

My son’s girl friend loved this actor and the song, “River Flows in Me”. He wanted to please his girl friend. He decided to practice this song over and over again everyday. I’d never seen him practice piano like this before. (shaking my head). I began to think about how “love” can motivate a person to do things that they have never done before. It is all because of “love” in their heart.
Therefore, after hearing the same song over and over everyday for three months, I decided to write a similar song. This is how this song was created.

This PDF is designed for two sided printing. It is going to look like a sheet music book. This is the reason why there is one blank page in some of the songs. You can also just print the sheet music pages only.

多年以前,電影“暮光之城”非常的熱播。其中有一段男主角坐在鋼琴前彈奏一首鋼琴曲尤其火紅。這首歌叫”River Flows In Me”。這段情節擄獲了當時千千萬萬少女們的心。我有許多青少年學生指定著要談這首曲子。

Creative Commons License
Joyful Sound Music by Joy Gilmore, Hsin Hui Gilmore is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at


Single User License, Studio License, 個人使用執照, 音樂教室使用執照


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