
Jewish Dance


This mp3 file is played by the computer. It is a little cold and fake and feel like a machine robot sound. I will change it when I record it myself.

“Jewish Dance” in Intermediate Level

About this song:

This is a lively and upbeat song, especially for the young boy who is in the intermediate level.

It uses a minor to add a foreign sound.  The 3/4 time signature………….(Scroll down to read more)






Jewish Dance

in Intermediate Level

About this song:

This is a lively and upbeat song, especially for the young boy who is in the intermediate level.

It uses a minor to add a foreign sound.  The 3/4 time signature creates a happy dance movement. In the introduction melody, (from ms. 1 to 4), both hands are playing 5ths and moving down from a minor to g minor to F major and ending in E major.

This song is very good for students to coordinate their hand positions using different 5th chords. In this sequential movement from ms 1 to 4, students immediately move their hands one octave down and play the same pattern again.  At the end, please don’t forget the accents on the last four notes (ms. 31 & 32).  The accents will create a very beautiful, satisfied and wonderful ending.

This PDF is designed for two sided printing. It is going to look like a sheet music book. This is the reason why there is one blank page in some of the songs. You can also just print the sheet music pages only.




這首歌使用a小調來增加那種中東風味的感覺。3/4節奏的使用使得整首曲子有了輕快,使人想要起來跳舞的感覺。從第一小節到第八小節,雙手使用五度音,從a小調開始下移到g小調,再繼續下移到F大調,然後到E大調。然後依此形式,低八度再彈一次。這首歌可以訓練學生對雙手手指的位置熟練,是非常好的一首歌。在結尾的部份(31, 32 小節),讓學生們把頓音談得更深沉一些,最好讓他們使用雙手手腕去彈這些頓音來增加音的深沉度,這樣就能製造出一個非常完美並且輝煌的結局。

Creative Commons License
Joyful Sound Piano & Music by Joy Gilmore, Hsin Gilmore is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
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Single User License, Studio License, 個人使用執照, 音樂教室使用執照


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