
Holy Moly Wow Wow Wow


Holy Moly Wow Wow Wow

Late Intermediate level

About this song:

Sometimes, I use an exciting sound and words when my students have a good practice. I’d say “Holy, Moly, you are very good” “Proud of you”……… (Scroll down to read more)


Holy Moly Wow Wow Wow

Late Intermediate level.

About this song:

Sometimes, I use an exciting sound and words when my students have a good practice. I’d say “Holy, Moly, you are very good” “Proud of you”. One day, while I was teaching, a thought flashed through my mind. I thought maybe it was a good topic to write a song about the words, “Holy, Moly”.

In this song, in the first four measures, I use the notes following the syllables of the words, “Holy Moly wow wow wow”. Therefore, there are seven beats sounded in every two measures. Another thing is that I feel the words express “wonder” or “marvel”. I used 2nds to create that “wonder” or “marvel” sound on measure 5 to 6 (major 2nd). The 2nd interval movement also appears in measures 1 to 4. In measures 36 and 37 (minor 2nd), hold the notes down with pedal, you will hear a long “WOW” sound in the end.

When playing this song, please play andante. The andante (walking speed) with the “2nd interval” movement will create a feeling of

wonder and marvel. Please do not play fast at all. It is going to take away the “WOW and WOW” feeling.

This is a great song for your teen students.

This PDF is designed for two sided printing. It is going to look like a sheet music book. This is the reason why there is one blank page in some of the songs. You can also just print the sheet music pages only.




很多時候當我的學生彈得很好的時候,我會用一種非常興奮的語氣說”噢!天啊,哇 “。我想也許這會是一首歌的主題。於是這首歌就這樣產生了。在這首歌的前面四小節的節奏隨著”我的天啊哇哇哇“音韻一同。所以有七個音。另外,為了製造那個驚嘆“哇”的聲效,我用了二度音程來表現。在第一到第四小節,大二度音程往下移,第五到第六小節,小二度往上移。到最後第三十六到三十七小節,往上移的小二度產生的驚嘆,沒有結束感覺的音,像是留下了一個長長驚嘆“哇———–”的感覺。





Creative Commons License
Joyful Sound Piano & Music by Joy Gilmore, Hsin Gilmore is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
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