
Speedy Trains


This mp3 file is played by the computer. It is a little cold and fake and feel like a machine robot sound. I will change it when I record it myself.

Speedy Trains

Late Intermediate level

This is a very good song for teens and boys.

I used a very simple eighth note chord pattern to make it sound like a speedy train.

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Speedy Trains

Late Intermediate level

This is a very good song for teens and boys.

I used a very simple eighth note chord pattern to make it sound like a speedy train. The eighth notes speedy train sound is started in the RH from ms. 1 to 5. On ms. 6, the trains’ sound changes from RH to LH. The LH keeps the speedy train sound from ms.6 to 22. On ms. 23, change the trains’ movement back to RH.  Finally, use a really shocking sound to end the song. This is accomplished by a sforzando on the last measure and half.

Make sure the students work on an interchanging hand movement on ms. 6, 22, and 23. Make sure they don’t change the tempo and the dynamic sound when swapping the hands.

This PDF is designed for two-sided printing. It is going to look like a sheet music book. This is the reason why there is one blank page in some of the songs. You can also just print the sheet music pages only.







Creative Commons License
Joyful Sound Piano & Music by Joy Gilmore, Hsin Gilmore is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at


Single User License, Studio License, 個人使用執照, 音樂教室使用執照


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