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Ring Christmas Bells and bring Joy to the World


Ring Christmas Bells and Bring Joy to the World is an ensemble music piece designed for two flutes, two violins, and piano. (Scroll down to see more)



Ring Christmas Bells

and bring Joy to the world

Christmas Ensemble for flute, violin and piano


Ring Christmas Bells and Bring Joy to the World is an ensemble music piece designed for two flutes, two violins, and piano. The composition commences with a simple melody of ‘Ring Christmas Bells,’ seamlessly transitioning into the ‘Joy to the World’ melody. Perfect for small bands, it provides an ideal performance piece for Christmas events at church or school.

The PDF package includes the full score and individual instrument scores. This arrangement is covered by a Studio Unlimited License, permitting limited copying and sharing within the same studio, school, or church. However, sharing or photocopying outside of these designated spaces is strictly prohibited.

Please be aware that the Studio Share License is the only licensing option available for this ensemble arrangement.


《聖誕鐘聲來來普天同慶》是一首為兩把長笛、兩把小提琴和鋼琴而設計的合奏樂曲。這首作品以簡單的「Ring Christmas Bells」旋律開始,流暢過渡到「Joy to the World」旋律。非常適合小型樂隊,是在教堂或學校的聖誕活動中表演的理想樂曲。

PDF套件包括完整樂譜和個別樂器樂譜。此編曲受到「Studio Unlimited License」的保護,允許在同一工作室、學校或教堂內進行有限的複製和分享。然而,在這些指定的空間之外分享或影印是嚴格禁止的。

請注意,「Studio Share License」是此合奏編曲唯一的授權選項。


《圣诞钟声来来普天同庆》是为两支长笛、两把小提琴和钢琴设计的合奏音乐作品。这首作品以“Ring Christmas Bells”的简单旋律开始,顺利过渡到“Joy to the World”的旋律。非常适合小型乐队,是教堂或学校圣诞活动的理想演奏曲目。



Copyright © 2010 Joyful Sound Music, All right reserved.
Joyful Sound music is the member of ASCAP



Single User License, Studio License


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