
Oh My Goodness


About this song:
One of my students loves a song of mine titled “Holy Moly Wow Wow Wow”. She told me that I should write another song called “Oh! My Gosh” or “Oh! My God”. I said I would think about it. Later, I felt as if it was strange to have God’s name in the title, ….  (Scroll down to read more)

有一個我的學生非常的喜歡我的另一首歌 “我的天啊!哇!哇!哇!   Holy Moly Wow Wow Wow”。有一天她對我說也許我應該寫一首歌叫 “Oh, My Gosh” “Oh, My God”,因為這是一些在日常生活之中,人們經常使用的驚嘆語。我說我會考慮看看,,,,(往下移繼續讀)

“Oh! My Goodness” for Advance Level

About this song:
One of my students loves a song of mine, titled, “Holy Moly Wow Wow Wow”. She told me that I should write another song called, “Oh! My Gosh” or “Oh! My God”. I said I would think about it. Later, I felt as if it was strange to have God’s name in the title, so this is the reason why I changed the title to “Oh! My Goodness”.

This is a light, lively song. It is especially for the teen.

From ms. 1 to 4, both hands are following  the syllables of “Oh! My Good-ness” with the triads going down from A to G to F and E. The triad movement makes a sound of surprise like a scream.
Watch for the coordination between the two hands on ms. 10, 14, 18,
In ms. 28 and 29, the same two measures appear again with different fingering.
The tempo control on this song is very important. Make sure not to drag or speed up in the middle of the song.

This PDF is designed for two sided printing. It is going to look like a sheet music book. This is the reason why there is one blank page in some of the songs. You can also just print the sheet music pages only.


有一個我的學生非常的喜歡我的另一首歌 “我的天啊!哇!哇!哇!   Holy Moly Wow Wow Wow”。有一天她對我說也許我應該寫一首歌叫 “Oh, My Gosh” “Oh, My God”,因為這是一些在日常生活之中,人們經常使用的驚嘆語。我說我會考慮看看。也就是因為她的提醒,我想了想有何不可呢。於是這首歌就這樣產生了。


Creative Commons License
Joyful Sound Piano & Music by Joy Gilmore, Hsin Gilmore is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
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