I Love Scales in C Major 01
for the right hand left hand
Piano Technique Exercise
A revolutionary way to practice scales without struggle.
Most of my older students can play scales on their second or third month.
Free Version: It includes one different accompanies.
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Full Version: It has 26 different accompanies.
Each exercise includes a easy instruction.
In my early teaching career which is 30 some years ago. I never have any problem assigning scales to my students. Most of my students can play four octaves ascending and descending smoothly. Ever since the iPad and tablet become popular, I have encountered many difficulties in teaching students scales. In the past 10 years, I had a hard time to teach scales. Students are either tell me that they lost their scale books, their dog chews on their books, or they just don’t want to play scales. This is the reason why I decided to rewrite these scales for these iPad & tablet generation. My students love to play these scales arrangement. Especially my teen students. Some of my adult students love it as well. Because my adult students feel they can work on their arms and fingers. Normally, I will play with them on another piano. I don’t have to play the same notes. Sometimes, I just play chords. Also, I ask them not to play too slow. I have two teen students who loved these arrangements very much. One of the teen students who were at the beginner’s level. She loved these scales exercises very much, sometimes, she came into the lesson and play different technique arrangements non stop for the whole half hour lessons. Two months later, I assigned her a boogie type of song that is at the late intermediate level, she accomplished that song beautifully. Because these scales are designed by the patterns, most of my students play without reading at the notes. Therefore, the best thing you can do is to download it in your tablet like Ibook. Have the students read it from the tablet. There are many arguments about teaching scales. I have heard many piano players feel it is not necessary to insist our students to play scales. Especially for adult students. They are struggling with hands and finger coordination. If they play more scales, it will help them with their fingers and hands coordination. You can give it a try for at least a month and you will feel something is different.
Sample mp3 music files
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I Love Scales Left Hand 01-A
I Love Scales Left Hand 01-B
I Love Scales Right Hand 01-A
I Love Scales Right Hand 01-B
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我愛音階C大調 01
我有幾個青少年學生很喜歡這些改編的技巧練習。她們每次來上課,就坐下來彈這一系列的技巧改編曲。整節課就不停的彈。大部分時間我跟他們一起彈。我發現當我跟他們一起彈的時候,她們會更加想要彈。很多時候我不讓他們彈得太慢。通常我不跟他們彈同樣的音符,我只是彈和聲,或是加一點節奏的變化。我有一個青少年學生從最初級開始學,她就是其中一個非常喜愛這些技巧變奏訓練的學生。有一陣子她來上課,整節課我們就彈不同的音階變奏,這樣大概持續了有幾個月。後來,我選了幾首Boogie和 Swing的曲子給她作為演奏會的曲子,我本來只是像試試看她能不能彈,結果她真的就把整個曲子給練了。在演奏會上得到很大的掌聲。通常Boogie曲子是有點難,因為在節奏的控制以及手指的運用上需要一些技巧的。而初學者的手指技巧還在成形的階段,所以控制雙手的節奏和運用上,其實對他們而言是非常難的。而從這個學生的例子上,我真的明白為什麼音階和一些的技巧是那麼重要。我看到很多人在爭論到底需不需要彈音階,很多人有很多不同的論點。對我而言,彈音階卻是個“困難”,“無聊”的『捷徑』。如果你不想要浪費無謂的時間,就去彈這些音階和技巧訓練,一個月後,你會發現你的手指靈活度會變得不一樣了。
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