Gator Come Later
Piano Solo Sheet Music for Late Beginner or Early Intermediate Level
About This Song:
The Story Behind This Song: On July 7, 2014, a piano teacher posted a picture (above) of an alligator on Facebook. She explained that an alligator had come to her front door while she was teaching piano. This brave alligator was wandering around the neighborhood. Eventually, the alligator returned to where it belonged. I thought this would be a good title for a song.
This Song Uses Perfect 5ths, Moving a Half Step Up and Down: It employs lower keys, starting with C and moving up to F and G, to create the impression of a walking alligator. The resulting sound simulates an alligator getting closer and closer. One can almost sense the danger in the air. The use of the pedal is required in this song.
Two Versions of Tremolo in the Last Measure: This song features two versions of the tremolo in the final measure. Younger children can use both hands to play the tremolo, while older kids can use one hand for tremolo in the right hand (RH).
This PDF Is Designed for Two-Sided Printing: It is intended to resemble a sheet music book. This explains why there is one blank page in some of the songs. You also have the option to print only the sheet music pages.
I have made some minor adjustments for clarity and readability.
這首歌的背後故事: 於2014年7月7日,一位鋼琴老師在Facebook上發布了一張鱷魚的照片。她說這隻鱷魚當她正在上鋼琴課時,竟然走到她的前門。這隻勇敢的鱷魚在附近徘徊,但最終返回了牠應該在的地方。我因此為這隻鱷魚寫了這首歌。
這首歌使用完美的五度音程,半音高低地遞進: 它使用了低音的C調,然後向上轉到F調和G調,營造出鱷魚漸漸接近的感覺。這種音樂創造了一種危機臨近的氛圍。在這首歌中,踏板的使用是必需的。
最後小節有兩種顫音版本: 這首歌的最後小節包括兩種顫音版本。年幼的學生可以使用雙手彈奏顫音,而年長的學生可以使用右手彈奏顫音。

Joyful Sound Piano & Music by Joy Gilmore, Hsin Gilmore is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at joyfulsoundpiano.com.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at joyfulsoundpiano.com/license-permit
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